Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day n' Night

The sun behind clouds during the day and...

At night


Photographing pets can be extremely difficult, but in the end, extremely rewarding. It can be hard to get your dog to sit still for more than 30 seconds. This can lead to having to play cat and dog. I had to chase my dog around my house with my camera in my hands just waiting to get the perfect shot. Eventually, Grizz did get tired and that when I snapped the photos of his yawning. Out of all the pictures that I've taken, my favorite always seem to be of my dogs.

Zoe's Photo Shoot

Being a photographer consists of more than simply taking photos of landscapes and the sky. Sometimes setting up a photo shoot can be a fun and interesting way to bond with your pets. While in the middle of a photo shoot you have to constantly consider the following:
The Focus Point: You have to determine what the focus of the photo is and make sure that you are , in fact, focused in on the subject of your photo.

The Angle & Point of View: When taking photos you have to determine what you want your point of view to be. I decided that I wanted to make it seem as if my subject and I were the same size looking at each other face to face.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

“Know what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer the goal.”

Sunsets are one of those things that always strikes me as breathtaking. My favorite sunsets have been seen in Wisconsin, Arizona, Mexico, The Bahamas. Below are some photographs that I've taken over the years. Usually, sunset pictures are unplanned but typically happen in the spur of the moment.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."

I've always been a fan of the way the sun looks behind trees. What I find intriguing about these types of photographs is the way the suns rays look.

In the following two photographs you can see the pink purple rays of the sun shining through the trees.

In the following photograph you can clearly see the sun shining behind this tree. This picture is interesting to me because the sun in the background leaves the leaves looking colorless giving the leaves a shadowy look.

Here is the same photograph but with a lot more sun. Here you can clearly see color of the leaves because the sun isn't being as covered up.

Zeus's Lightning Bolt

These photos were taken on a really hot night in the middle of a Chicago summer. I noticed there was a lightning storm going on so I decided to attempt to get a bolt of lightning on camera. I set up my Nikon D60 on a tripod and then began to play with the shutter speed. I couldn't seem to get it right. Most of my pictures looked like this: 
After about an hour of sitting outside it began to rain. I was about to give up until this happened: 

This is by far one of my favorite photo's that I have ever taken. It's not because it is a good picture but because what I went through to get this picture.

Fresh Out Of The Garden

Flowers, for me, have always been one of my favorite things to photograph. I find flowers most interesting because of the fact that no two flowers are exactly the same. Ever since I began photographing flowers I developed this idea in my head that flowers are just like humans; each flower has their own individual look and personality, and at the same time, each flower grows differently and requires different elements in order for it to grow properly.